So how will we live then? The idea of movement has a certain flow to it, I would like to be intentional about everything the church does having a purpose to it that naturally flows from one life-giving activity into the next. Connect will flow into discovery, will flow into impact, but it does not stop there, the movement then repeats itself, momentum is gained, and the cycle gives new life.

Connecting People to God.
Discovering Purpose in God.
Moving people into an adventure of discovery within a community of believers. Where God's purpose is discovered through participation in discipleship, worship, giving, evangelism and prayer.
Impacting the World for God.
Moving people from a self-centered lifestyle and into a new self-sacrificial life in order to impact a broken world with the Gospel.
Moving people from wherever they might be on their spiritual journey, to a relationship with God.

Moving people into an adventure of discovery within a community of believers. Where God's purpose is discovered through participation in discipleship, worship, giving, evangelism and prayer.

Moving people from a self-centered lifestyle and into a new self-sacrificial life in order to impact a broken world with the Gospel.