Event: 6th Ward Block Party
Date: Tues., May 15
Address: The Redemption Movement, 148 River St., Oneonta, NY
Time: 3-7pm, (bands begin at 5pm)
Admission: Free, all ages.
Description: The Redemption Movement would like to introduce ourselves to our Oneonta neighborhood, the 6th ward, by hosting a family-friendly block party!
Parking: Gilbert Street (walking and carpooling is highly encouraged), After 5:15pm additional parking will also be available at Oneonta Christian Community School.
Activities: Live music, chili cook off, more food, bounce house, games and more! (Bring your own chair is you want to sit)
Live Bands:

The Redemption Movement is pleased to welcome Lightning Killed My Parents for their first show in Oneonta! LKMP is "a 9 piece ska/rock band from Fredonia, NY. Formed in late 2010, this band is based on three concepts: having fun, playing music, and producing enough energy to make the crowd pass out from sheer excitement."
Purpose: We want to be a blessing to Oneonta! Our heart is to be a church for the community, this means we value using our resources to bring people together, thus making our community stronger. A block party is intended to be a fun event where neighbors can come together and fellowship with each other. And in today's digital age, where it is easy to have hundreds of facebook "friends" without even knowing one's physical neighbors, we are excited to provide an event that creates an opportunity for neighbors to be introduced to each other for maybe even the first time. And in this spirit of friendly introductions, we at The Redemption Movement would like to introduce ourselves to our neighbors! We have been making plans and improving this old storefront of ours since 2009, and we now feel that we are finally in a position to open the doors to our work-in-progress and introduce ourselves to the community we love. This party is by no means our official launch (we are planning to launch Easter 2013); in fact, our facilities are still under construction--so please look past our mess, but the desire to host an event that blesses our community is so strong that we simply cannot wait until 2013! So construction messes and sound system glitches be darned, we are throwing ourselves a block party!
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