Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 21: Window Washing

By Kaler Carpenter

Free Window Washing was Day 21 of 30 Days of Kindness, and for this act of kindness, we showed Oneonta's downtown merchants God's love by clearing up their view.

This was another outdoor AoK that would have been a little bit nicer if the weather was warmer, but  window grime doesn't take a break for cold weather, and neither does The Redemption Movement. I had my friend Garland with me for this adventure, and it was nice to have the extra hand, especially when cleaning the larger windows. Here are a few of the Oneonta businesses that we served:
  • Capresso Coffee Bar: This was a fun one to do because we cleaned their toilets 6 days earlier and told them that we would be back for the windows. I'm not sure if our friend Klasik remembered our promise, but he did remember to hook us up with some of his famous Snickers hot cocoa.
  • The Red Jug: This is a new bar in downtown Oneonta, and even though they went with the face of Satan as their logo, that didn't keep us from showing them the love of God. It felt ironic to show God's love by cleaning a window with a picture of the Devil on it, but that's the beauty of taking the light of the Gospel into new places.
  • Crazy Gifts: This is another establishment that a church would not typically reach out to, but we wanted to show them love, and they only had one window.
  • Discount Liquor: We tried reaching out to this liquor store for bathroom cleaning during Day #1 of 30 Days of Kindness, and we were denied only because the public was not allow in the back. However, they did let us clean their windows this time, and it was nice to see our kindness calendar still posted on their bulletin board. 

The best story from this experience actually came a few days later. On Day 21, Garland and I tried to clean the windows of a bar called The Railbenders. We were turned away because they had someone else scheduled for the task. It was my first time in the establishment, so I asked them about their business. Turns out they serve food and they gave me a menu to take home.

A few days later and after a long day of ministry, Laura and I went to Railbenders for dinner . They seemed to remember me (free window cleaning is hard to forget). The food was amazing and the staff was super friendly. After chatting with the staff for the duration of the meal, Laura and I went to pay and the bartender informed us that, "It's taken care of." A nice gentlemen across the bar paid for our meal after overhearing our church planting story. Kindness is contagious!

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