- 190 bottles of water
- 83 Capri Sun juice packs
- Almost 7 gallons of pickles
- 70+ bananas
- 5 pizzas donated by Domino’s
- 73 packs of sandwich crackers
- 100 packs of Pop Tarts
- 100+ granola bars
- 2 pots of coffee
- 10 pounds of chocolate candy
- 150+ sticks of breath freshening gum
- 115 breathalyzer tests administered
And most importantly, 74 safe rides home!
#OneontaRides Kindness Station special #seniorcrawl edition! Find us in front of @LEAFcouncil. #SafeRides all night long 📞 6074342564 🚕 pic.twitter.com/4iSYpiNXXZ— Redemption Movement (@RedemptionNY) May 11, 2017
Ending the School Year With a Big Party
The event that called for such a ridiculous display of kindness was the Senior Bar Crawl. Each year, our church gets in a rhythm of serving the community with the Kindness Station and #OneontaRides, a rhythm that keeps up with the weekend parties and special drinking events celebrated primarily (but not exclusively) by the city’s student population. The Senior Bar Crawl is special because it represents the last downtown outreach effort by the Kindness Team--sort of like a finish line for a big kindness marathon. When the crawl is over, we pack up for the summer and begin to recharge by actually getting sleep on Friday nights.
- 2015 Crawl: "Milestone: Giving Our 1,000th Free Ride"
- 2016 Crawl: "2,771 Safe Rides Given Caps Off 3-Year Volunteer Effort for #OneontaRides"
This year’s crawl began early, around 3pm. We wanted to serve the seniors from the time the crawl started to when the bars closed. To pull this off, more than 20 volunteers from the Kindness Team worked in shifts and kept operations going for nearly 12 straight hours.
There were times during the crawl when the tent was so packed that it became difficult to maneuver. It was super chaotic, yet a ton of fun!
Round 2 of #seniorcrawl with the Kindness Team night crew. The station is fully stocked and #SafeRides all night. #OneontaRides 📞 6074342564 pic.twitter.com/LHVojAXlEx— Redemption Movement (@RedemptionNY) May 12, 2017
There were times during the crawl when the tent was so packed that it became difficult to maneuver. It was super chaotic, yet a ton of fun!
Kindness Was in High Demand
To give you an idea of just how big of a hit the Kindness Station was, consider the fact that the day prior I looked at the report from last year’s crawl to see just how much supplies I needed to purchase--it turned out to total three times more than what we pass out on a typical Friday night. Well, only 2 hours into this year’s crawl and we needed to make a grocery store run because we were running short. By the end of the night, we made 3 additional trips to the grocery store.
I knew we were in for a busy day, but I totally underestimated the popularity of some of the items on the hospitality table, like pickles! There was a constant line of people wanting pickles, so much so that we had to designate a volunteer to pass them out. Seriously, by the time the sun went down, we had gone through 6 one-gallon jars of pickles. At one point it was rather comical because it seemed like everybody on Water Street either had a giant pickle in their hand or were asking where to get one. One female student even told me that “standing outside the bar on a nice day while eating a pickle was like a dream come true.”
Another constant line that we experienced was for breathalyzer testing . In fact, we had so many people use the breathalyzer that the poor device ceased working after more than 100 uses. Russell Pergola, who was in charge of administering the BAC tests, observed how, “Almost everyone tested blew at least a 0.10.” Keep in mind that intoxication technically occurs at 0.08. Given the fact that the whole idea of a bar crawl is to have at least one alcoholic beverage at each Oneonta bar, these results certainly aren’t surprising.
Story From the Road #1: Helping a Girl Who Could No Longer Crawl
Overall the mood downtown was jovial, yet we did assist a few students that were severely intoxicated. The worst case we saw was actually the first ride of the day.
We got a call from a group of females that we previously interacted with at the station. While there, one girl in the group couldn’t stand on her own, so we directed her to a cot that we had set up for such a purpose. We were able to breathalyze her (which proved a difficult task due to how incoherent she was) and she registered at 0.17. We did our best to convince her friends that it would be best for her to call it a day and to go home. Unfortunately, nobody in the group was ready to call it just yet so they left the station to continue their crawl, taking the inebriated friend with them--but not before I could put a card in their hands with our phone number on it.
Not too long after, I got a call from the group of girls requesting a ride home. They were outside of Tino’s and their friend had experienced some major vomiting, both inside and outside of the restaurant. I was able to have a female volunteer to come with me to assist and within minutes we were there, helping the girl to her feet and guiding her to the car. Before we placed her in the car I was able to clean her off with paper towels, which meant thoroughly wiping down her front, back, arms, and hands. Thankfully, she had nothing left to spew by the time she got in the car, yet we were ready with barf bags.
The ride to campus went smoothly. We tried to convince the group that their friend needed medical attention and we’d be happy to take her to the ER, but the offer was turned down. Although, it was apparent that the girls were planning on cleaning up their friend, changing her clothes, and putting her to bed. So at least I could feel good that she was being taken care of.
Story From the Road #2: Sharing the Gospel With a Curious Friend
Later that night, we gave a meaningful ride to a young man who was eager to learn more about what we are about. He approached us at the Kindness Station because he really wanted to meet us and say thank you. It turns out that we’ve provided several safe rides home to his girlfriend all throughout the school year (many times when she was by herself).
We then gave him a ride home and that’s when he asked us about the purpose of our group. I replied by reciting the mission statement of The Redemption Movement, and one part in particular peaked his interest--where it mentions redeeming lost and hurting people. Earlier, he and I talked religion and he identified as Jewish, yet he didn’t know what I meant when I used the word “lost.” That opened the door to clearly explain the Gospel: how “lost” relates to sin and separation from God, how Jesus died to atone for sin, and how the word lost implies that whatever is lost is worth searching for and worth saving. He left the car and I felt a strong connection with the young man. It turns out that he’s a junior so we committed to continuing the conversation in the Fall when he comes back to Oneonta.
We then gave him a ride home and that’s when he asked us about the purpose of our group. I replied by reciting the mission statement of The Redemption Movement, and one part in particular peaked his interest--where it mentions redeeming lost and hurting people. Earlier, he and I talked religion and he identified as Jewish, yet he didn’t know what I meant when I used the word “lost.” That opened the door to clearly explain the Gospel: how “lost” relates to sin and separation from God, how Jesus died to atone for sin, and how the word lost implies that whatever is lost is worth searching for and worth saving. He left the car and I felt a strong connection with the young man. It turns out that he’s a junior so we committed to continuing the conversation in the Fall when he comes back to Oneonta.
Additional Highlights
Additional highlights of the day include: dozens ofThe Kindness Station is a Huge Success But a Huge Expense: Is it Worth It?

Indeed, when I look at The Redemption Movement’s use of funds, I do begin to feel like it’s rather irresponsible to spend so much on outreach. Although, soon after thinking these thoughts I’m often reminded of the sacrificial love shown by Jesus Christ, and how it was a joy for Him to serve others in reckless ways that were often scoffed at by the establishment of his day. After looking at the example and teachings of Jesus, I then consider how we use our time and resources to try and be the hands and feet of Christ and I say, yes, it’s all worth it.
What’s Next for #OneontaRides?
With the end of the school year, another chapter closes for #OnoentaRides, having provided 2,006 rides during the past year alone, and 4,777 safe rides total.
We now go into a season of rest and fundraising. During the school year, it's extremely difficult to adequatelyfundraise while doing the work of providing rides on the weekends. So this is the window we have to hopefully raise the money we need to continue to show reckless kindness to our community.
If you would like to partner with us and make this upcoming year of providing safe rides and running the downtown Kindness Station bigger and better than the last four, then you're welcome to volunteer with the Kindness Team and donate to the cause!
That's a wrap for #OneontaRides 2016-17! 74 rides for #seniorcrawl = 2,006 rides for the year and 4,777 rides— Redemption Movement (@RedemptionNY) May 12, 2017since 2013. #Oneonta #outreach pic.twitter.com/00A3ZugG50
We now go into a season of rest and fundraising. During the school year, it's extremely difficult to adequately
If you would like to partner with us and make this upcoming year of providing safe rides and running the downtown Kindness Station bigger and better than the last four, then you're welcome to volunteer with the Kindness Team and donate to the cause!
- Join the Kindness Team on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/941400949209700/
- Donate and help fund the 2017-18 school year: http://donate.theredemptionmovement.org/free-ride-oneonta
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