I think the first lesson I learned from the survey is that mass communication to strangers is an ineffective tool that is not worth the time and effort. It took lots of time and energy to compile 3,000 local email addresses and create a professional-looking document; but, with less than 1.5% of people responding I went ahead and pulled the plug after sending out 1,250 surveys. I also had to face the reality that out of the few responses I received, some people were genuinely offended at receiving a religious survey...so not a good first impression for a new church.
This goes against the training I received as a church planter, to use all media to mass market the new church to everybody. I was never comfortable with that advice, I think I prefer the old time-proven church growth method of word-of-mouth. The media blitz idea is designed to advertise the church to 20,000+ people so that hundreds will attend your first public service. I think this is fine if numbers is your goal, but I desire slow and quality growth so I think I will back away from future attempts of mass marketing to strangers. This survey confirmed to me the value of slow and natural church growth.
But even though I pulled the plug early, I still received enough feedback to compile the results with hopefully some degree of accuracy. Here are the results:
Question 1: "Would you say the values and economy of the Oneonta community, make it easy or hard for an individual entrepreneur to start-up a new service-oriented business?"
50% = Hard
25% = Easy
12.5% = Success is possible
12.5% = Depends on the business (service = easy, retail = hard).
*A few concerns about starting a new business in Oneonta were taxes, and the cost of rent and real estate.
Question 2: "Would you say Oneonta offers sufficient evening entertainment for it's residents, or do community members often travel to larger cities for evening entertainment?"
44.5% = Residents both find entertainment in Oneonta and travel to larger cities.
22% = Lot's to do in Oneonta
22% = The entertainment available does not serve all age groups well.
*Many residents will seek activities in Oneonta, but drive elsewhere to shop. Some people expressed how teens and young adults do not have sufficient activities offered to them.
Question 3: "What social needs in Oneonta do you feel to be the most prevalent and the most urgent?"
44% = Issues dealing with teens and young adults: drinking, drugs, lack of community involvement.
33% = More shopping options.
22% = Need of a stronger Christian influence.
22% = Poverty and the need for more jobs.
Question 4: "Do you think a new church making strong efforts to reach the social needs of Oneonta would be welcomed by the community?"
60% = Yes
30% = Not sure
10% = Too many churches already
Question 5A: "Do you believe that God is concerned with you on a personal level?"
67% = Yes
11% = "Higher power" yes, "God" no.
11% = Not Sure
11% = No
Question 5B: "If yes, would you say you believe in the message of the Bible as taught by Christianity?"
67% = Yes
33% = No
Question 5C: "If yes, does your belief in the Christian faith include participating in a local church?"
56% = No
44% = Yes
*Of those who attend church, some drive outside Oneonta to be a part of a church that better suites their needs. Of those who do not attend church, some have strong feelings against church, while others see church as boring or just after their money, or they do not have time for church.
Question 6: " How would you describe the influence churches have on the culture of Oneonta and the surrounding area?"
44% = Strong and positive influence.
33% = Churches need to do more.
22% = Unsure
*Several people spoke well of the churches different social programs, while others see a lack of connection with young people.
Question 7: "What is your opinion of a new church using modern methods and technology to communicate their message?"
66% = Great
22% = No opinion
11% = Technology is useless.
Question 8A. What is your opinion of Evangelicals?
60% = Do not like them for various reasons.
20% = No opinion
10% = Do not know who they are.
10% = They're great.
Question 8B. What is your opinion of Pentecostals?
60% = Do not like them for various reasons.
20% = No opinion
10% = Do not know who they are.
10% = They're great.
Question 8C. What is your opinion of Catholics?
70% = Do not like them for various reasons.
20% = They are great and respected.
10% = No opinion
Question 8D. What is your opinion of non-denominational churches?
50% = Do not like them for various reasons.
20% = No opinion
20% = They are great.
10% = Depends on the congregation.
*Combining the results of questions 5 and 8, I would have to agree with some of the conclusions made in a book I am currently reading about religion and culture by Dan Kimball called, "They like Jesus but not the Church." This tough reality poses many new challenges when starting a new church in the midst of a culture that opposes "organized religion" and does not deem it necessary to be a part of a local congregation. But I believe if a person is open to the idea of a personal God (67%, question 5C) then that is a great place to start.
Overall, the results of the survey have been helpful, but it looks like the best way for me to learn about the Oneonta community is to build relationships with people and to indiginize myself by living in the area for an extended period of time. The mindset of indigenization has traditionally been used to train foriegn missionaries, and the way I see it I am a missionary, and Oneonta is my mission field. Living in Oneonta and learning about Oneonta, this is what I am currently doing. I pray that while I am living here God will show me important cultural insights so I can put into place church miniseries that will reach Oneonta and do the most good for the community.
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